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There was this traveller who has been to many countries and still going from end to end, it was not a problem for him to eat,stay and survive, the main thing which resides him from bottom of his ass is paying. He goes to Australia he pays in AUD and then he heads up to Japan he pay through Yen and then to INDIA he pays through Rupees. Shit follows him and never got a solution to the problem.
What if the whole world has a same currency just like every human wears same typo pants, kind of weird comparision right ? okay ,leave it
Do political parties support it ? No ,what if a non-govermental organization starts a world currency just like we have solid coins and exchange from one country to another, this will be a vast manipulation in the economy of every country, than what is the solution ?
After many years, eventually in 2008, a man (or)an Organization (or) a group named Satoshi Nakomoto(who is still a secret) published a paper on Cryptocurrency named Bitcoin, a peer-peer money transaction through virtual money, how it's possible is it next Paypal (or) Paytm? No , it is the next big thing.
There is a quote on Cryptocurrencies, 'Media is replaced by Social Media and Banks will be Replaced by Cryptocurrencies'.
It's true , when you see the growth here..
Growth Rate of Cryptocurrency (Image Source : Google)
May be the story is fiction but it is worth for the future. Today many people across the world started getting cryptocurrencies and one of them is Bitcoin which is the ruler of this World according to hierarchy. Its value from 0.18 to 395421.27 (when this article is writing) a rapid growth.
How does this happen with in just few years ?
It is just because people are get used to it and understood like they understood Internet, when counties like Bangladesh and Iceland made it as illegal but developing countries like INDIA and JAPAN accepting it as currencies.
This is historic century which changed the human kind from exchanging silver and gold coins to Bitcoins and we cannot expect the value of Bitcoin in the next 10 years.
Along with it we have Ethereum coins, Lite coins,Ripple coins,Monero coins and many more, if you want to create it of your own you can. Just like Ethereum did.
So, the world needs something inventive and it is creating itself, be a part in it.
Now it's time to get a coin , go and get it :)
will be back with the next interesting topic
Thanks for reading
Stay Tuned ->
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