In 2027, the device you are carrying right now and reading this article will turned out to be a Virtual/Augmented Reality. Before few years when everyone never listened about these locutions, suddenly came into our lives as a Flash, i mean not Barry Allen, it's just the flash.
Virtual means which something we feel, see and never touch it whereas augmentation comes from the process of making great. Than how does this includes with technology?
We are not far from these , Augmentation started entering our lives back then when we were posting stories in Snapchat, you watch your friend posting that creepy dog story? yes well come to the Virtual World.
You see that 360 video connected to your heads and watching by roaming all around the room , it was a minute example under the case of Virtual and when you play Pokemon Go you try to catch on the ground and you are into the Augmentation.
Without even knowing we were into it with just some mediocre applications which even not worth to use.
For example Virtuals are used in during constructing building, you make a prototype using it, whereas augmenated helps you to create a actual one which you can feel it and sense the output.
The best example for the Virtual Reality is Oculus Rift (Oculus Rift is a virtual reality system that completely immerses you inside virtual worlds.) which is owned MarkZuckerberg and Augmented Reality is Sun Seeker (Sun-Seeker is an AR app which provides a flat compass view and a 3D view showing the solar path, its hour intervals, its equinox, winter and summer solstice paths, sunrise and sunset times, twilight times, magic hours and also a Map view showing solar direction for each daylight hour.),
We also have many apps regarding both technologies.
Recently Microsoft and Google showed their new technologies in both VR and AR during the keynote which makes sense to the consumer industry.
By day to day , people are learning about the new era and are looking forward how they impact on the human life.
Let' see, where it goes :)
Image Source : Google
will be back with the next interesting topic
Thanks for reading
Stay Tuned ->