In the last 20 years world has changed like no where in the past years from when adam ate that apple for the first time. Many inventions like electricity, radio telescope and telephone changed humanity like no other invesntion did until something called internet showed up.
No one has control over it, no one owns it, how come this thing changed the world and gave rise to other indutrsial revolution like Artificial Intelligence which overcomes everything in the world.
" Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks. "
Stephen Hawking
John McCarthy was the first person to coin the term called Artifical Intelligence and later in use we used Research AI but before that, Newell and Simon created the first Logic Theorist program which was called as first AI program but even way before that Alan turing formalized the algorithm and computation with the turing machine and created roots for today's AI with his enigma code which cracked german codes.
Programs and logic can create something and AI didn't evolve in a minute time, it changed from creating websites by humans to creating websites by AI (ex : wix) and humans driving cars to self-driving cars, from a normal phone call to book an appointment to google assisstant booking an appointment for us. How come these machines can do it or how can this AI did ?
It is because of some programs behind it using some languages like python,AIML and many more. it seems to be simple to tell that but it's a tedious task to create some programs like that.
There are many things under AI like IOT, Robotics, Cloud and blockchain which will change and give rise to some new great inventions people ever saw but it is also a threat to humanity if it isn't controlled called Controlled AI else it would be like some hollywood movie where all the robots occupying our assets starting from USA.
There are both pros and cons with with the rise of AI, we should be cautious when we are dealing with it.
AI is a tool. The choice about how it gets deployed is ours.